Auction Fees Calculator UK

Auction Fees Calculator

Whether you are buying or selling at auction, this calculator will help you get a good understanding of the extra costs you’re likely to incur…

Auction Buyer
Fee Calculator
Purchase Price
Auction Buyer Fees
Buyer Fee / Commission
Enter Buyer Fee
Add VAT?
Sub Total (Auction Buyer Fees)
Auction Buyer Supplementary Fees
Survey Fees
Buildings Insurance
Auction Finance Arrangement Fee
Enter Arrangement Fee
Add VAT?
Sub Total (Auction Buyer Supplementary Fees)
Total Auction Buyer Fees
Auction Seller
Fee Calculator
Sale Price
Auction Seller Fees
Seller Fee / Commission
Enter Seller Fee
Add VAT?
Auction Entry / Set-Up Fee
Sub Total (Auction Seller Fees)
Auction Seller Supplementary Fees
Moving Costs
Mortgage Exit Fees
Sub Total (Auction Seller Fees)
Total Auction Seller Fees

How to Use this Auction Fees Calculator

This auction fees calculator is made for both buyers and sellers looking to understand extra financial implications involved with a property auction transaction.

If you’re buying a property at auction, enter the Purchase Price at the top and select the percentage / enter the fixed fee + applicable VAT.  The Auction Legal Pack Review figure is a default calculation (based on the average of 10 auction conveyancing quotes)  and can be deleted.

The Auction Buyer Supplementary Fees breakdowns what will be incurred during the sale.  As above, default fees (such as conveyancing, survey and buildings insurance) are based on our own research and can be adjusted accordingly.

If you’re selling a property at auction, your costs are likely to be lower than what a buyer will incur.  However, it’s worth entering the purchase price and seeing what your obligations will be.  We have entered default auction legal pack and entry / set-up fee estimations which can be deleted if you plan not to go ahead.

Note that auction sellers can pass on some of these costs to buyers via Special Conditions clauses.  It’s worth noting that this can affect the bidding levels depending on the level of demand for the property at auction.

Remember to use our Capital Gains Tax (CGT) calculator to understand your exact obligations (payment will be due 60 days after completion day.

The Auction Seller Supplementary Fees have some default figures based on our own estimations and can be altered in line with more accurate quotes / confirmations.